Golf Course Applications

From maintaining lush fairways and greens to making sure vehicles and equipment remain clean and operating after daily use, golf courses rely on large quantities of water. At ESD Waste2Water, Inc., we offer a range of systems including closed-loop wash racks, contained chemical mix/ load and storage areas, and contained fuel areas to reduce water usage during turf-care and maintenance operations.

By using recycled water, also referred to as effluent water, golf courses can incorporate efficient, environmentally-friendly, and compliant solutions that significantly reduce water consumption.

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Reducing Golf Course Water Usage

Golf courses have several options available to reduce daily water usage. Most courses will clean mowing equipment or turf care products each time they are used. Setting up water recycling systems and grass clipping separators can economically recycle water while safely removing any harmful contaminants.

Benefits of Water Recycling and Grass Clipping Separators in the Golf Course Industry

Golf courses with water recycling systems have a way to treat and safely reuse wastewater to lower operating and maintenance costs. Once the water is treated, courses can use it to clean everything from golf carts to the undercarriage and mower decks. The ESD Waste2Water, Inc Recycle Systems are even equipped with a water meter to track the volume of water recycled.

With a Clipping Separator System, golf courses will have a method to remove grass, sand and small debris while allowing the water to be reused. You can include six wash stations with one system, and it provides unlimited daily throughput with a flow range of 0-80 gallons per minute.

Available Golf Turf Products

Every golf course has specific needs and goals. That’s why ESD Waste2Water offers a wide range of golf washing machines and turf care equipment.

Our available golf products include:

  • Wash Water Recycle Systems: Take advantage of a full line of wash water recycle systems that efficiently clean golf course equipment and parts.
  • Chemical Storage Buildings: Choose from a variety of building sizes and create a safe and durable mix, load and storage area for your turf care chemicals.
  • Chemical Containment Pads: Keep your turf care chemicals safely contained with pads that can be set up on all kinds of flat and level surfaces.
  • Portable Wash Pads: Conveniently wash golf carts and other equipment on a self-contained unit that relies on a closed-loop water system.
  • Clipping Separation Systems: Maintain clean and environmentally-friendly wash areas with a closed-loop wash water system that can filter out clippings.
  • In-Ground Sumps: Select an in-ground sump that can be used for both containment and water treatment applications on the golf course.

Learn More About Our Golf Course and Turf Care Products

The team of experts at ESD Waste2Water is here to help reduce water consumption and improve your golf course and facility. We offer complimentary evaluations of sites to determine each course’s specific requirements and needs. Because we design, manufacture, install and maintain equipment, clients can count on our team for assistance and support every step of the way.

Check out our golf course and turf care products and give us a call at 1-800-277-3279 to receive more information today.


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